Some of the Young People Undergoing Training on Evidence Based Advocacy conducted by CIDD-UG

CIDD-UG Builds Capacity of 125 Young People from Eastern Uganda in Social...

Budgets are the blueprint for resource mobilization, allocation, and utilization in communities grappling with poverty and social vulnerabilities. Undertaking evidence based and informed successful budget advocacy requires that facts must be laid on table to be able to influence decisions of... .../Read More!

Young people undergoing a digital skilling Programme at CIDD-UG digital Hub

Daring to Shift: CIDD-UG uses ICT to Help Accelerate Progress towards Young...

ICT can help accelerate progress towards every single one of the 17 SDGs. It creates prerequisites for being part of the global network and links dynamic flow of information, fast communication, and easy access to improved opportunities for young people from rural populations. It also reduces on... .../Read More!

Call for Applications for the ICT, Entrepreneurship and 21st Century skills...

Are you a youth? Are you in school or out of school? Are you passionate about leadership? Are you resident in Pallisa or Kibuku? This is a perfect opportunity for you!!! CIDD-UG welcomes all eligible and interested youth to apply and take part in our digital skills leadership training program, to... .../Read More!

...but Are women and young people aware about the intentions of the PDM?

Making PDM work for Women “PDM as a magic bullet for empowering women in Uganda”

The goal of Parish Development Model (PDM) is socio economic transformation for movement of Uganda from peasant to middle income country. It is based on improved productivity of households and enterprise at parish level as a fulcrum of development intervention. However, participation of poor women... .../Read More!

CIDD-UG Leads other CSOs to Demand Improved Healthcare in Pallisa District.

Healthcare is a driver of the overall community wellbeing. Effective Rural healthcare has the potential to generate economic vitality and create professional, non-professional and enable masses to concentrate on ancillary green employment opportunities that can in turn translate into household... .../Read More!

CIDD-UG Dialogues with Health Practitioners and Other Service Providers to...

The right to health is not a right to be healthy: it is a right to facilities, goods, services and conditions that are conductive to the realisation of the right to health, such as water, sanitation, good environment etc. At the heart of the right to health is a functioning health system,... .../Read More!

Leaving No One Behind: CIDD-UG Strikes a Partnership with Busitema University...

Leaving No One Behind: CIDD-UG Strikes a Partnership with Busitema University to run Public Lectures to Induce Public Private Partnership for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Partnerships for the 2030 Agenda should be inclusive, within principle of an equal weight of CSOs, Academia,... .../Read More!

Okiror Francis CIDD-UG plants a tree at PALLISA CPS as The RDC Pallisa Mr. Magid Dikusoka, Town clerk, DPC Look on.

Getting Started: CIDD-UG engages Local Leadership for Climate Change

Do you know that our inaction now leads to higher costs later? The risks we are facing on climate change are of today, right now and we need to act now. “As CIDD-UG, we have been engaging with various institutions and the Local population in order to confront the impacts of climate change as well... .../Read More!

National Hygiene and Sanitation Week 2022, Come we Clean our Town

National Hygiene and Sanitation Week - theme: Good Hygiene and Sanitation for Strengthening COVID-19 Response. Come we clean our town, Pallisa from 24th March, 2022 to 4th April, 2022.

Public Lecture at Busitema University on SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Topic: Putting Hygiene and Sanitation into Perspective: "Is it sanitation hardware or behavioral change that will lead the world into achievement of SDG 6 on Clean Water and Sanitation?"

8% of UWEP Enterprises are Successful in Pallisa District – CIDD-UG Research

Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme (UWEP) is one of the core programmes under the second National Development Plan (GoU, 2015). UWEP, whose operations started in Financial Year 2015/16, was designed to address the challenges women face in undertaking economically viable enterprises including... .../Read More!

Afande Okwamor james OC CFPU PALLISA CPS- during anti GBV community senstisation meeting in kameki s/c pallisa District.

CIDD-UG, ACTION AID PDLG AND UPF stage a joint spirited fight against GBV...

Gender violence is, in general, related to a predominant cultural model based on maleness. The fight against gender violence either against women or young girls cannot leave out of consideration those actions in support of the cultural changes that have to deal with the gender inequalities and... .../Read More!

From Right, Hon JeniferKacha Namiyangu, the RDC and CAO Pallisa during the IHR day celebrations in Olok S/C pallisa

“Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now”- December 2021

CIDD-UG joined the rest of the world in the Global 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender Based Violence (GBV) 2021 in the COVID 19 Pandemic era. This annual event began on the 25th November, which is the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women and ran up to the 10th... .../Read More!

Councilors brainstorming on how to improve leadership outcomes during leaders dialogue meeting in Kibuku District

CIDD-UG uses post 2021 General Election dialogues to rebuild trust and...

The 2021 scientific General elections in Uganda were conducted with rise in discontentment among the actors. This bread lots of conflicts across the board and yet not matched by requisite civic education that would have promoted skills on peaceful coexistence among political actors, but also... .../Read More!

A mother in Agule Sub County calls for strict implementation of laws on property rights for women

CIDD-UG Creates A Platform For Women To Raise Their Voice On Issues That Affect...

The ability of citizens to make their voices heard and hold their governments to account is central to good governance. Its absence facilitates prevalence of that environment in which corruption can flourish and citizens are unable to assess the decisions of their leaders or make informed choices... .../Read More!

CIDD-UG presents rapid assessment report to the District Taskforce, MPs & Media.

CIDD-UG Engages the Pallisa District Covid 19 Taskforce to enhance community...

CIDD-UG Engaged the Pallisa District Covid 19 taskforce to prioritize community engagement and use of social media to help raise awareness for mitigation of surging community infections as well as provide basic sanitary kits to adolescent girls to enhance community coping mechanism. Five weeks into... .../Read More!

The Principal Assistant Secretary, Pallisa District Local Government, Mr. Okello Martin and Executive Director CIDD- UG Ejautene Fred hand over 1.5 million shillings to Mother to Mother one of the Women Groups from Mpongi in Puti-Puti sub county.

CIDD-UG gives Seed funding to community groups in Pallisa District

CIDD-UG gives shs. 4,500,000/= Seed funding to three community groups in Pallisa District,  to implement Social Action Projects (SAPs) that respond to mitigating climate change impacts and increase adaptation capacities. CIDD- UG with  funding from British Council while implementing the Active... .../Read More!

Government and development partners should prioritize increasing support to...

When the world hard the Breaking news about the presence of the deadly corona virus, the speed at which it harvested human lives from Wuhan province in China and its spread globally, this plunged the world into panic especially as it devastated the first world countries with strong economies,... .../Read More!
